About Me

Hi there! 👋

I’m a masters computer science student at the University of Minnesota advised by Favonia. I’ve previously worked as a software engineer at Swoop Search, AWS and SIFT in the past. My computing-related interests lie in programming language design and formal verification, systems security, cryptography, and distributed systems.


Currently, I’m learning about cubical type theory. I’ll probably write some blog posts as I learn more. My advisor is Favonia.

University Involvement

I also love to participate in computing related student groups at the University of Minnesota. Here’s some of the groups that I’m involved with:

Previously, I was also involved with:

Open-source Projects

Some of the projects I’ve been working on in my free time include:

More can be found on my public Forgejo instance.

I’ve also started making an increased effort at using and supporting FOSS, and other software that’re not predatory towards users. As a part of this effort, I’m also self-hosting and rewriting some of the services and software that I use regularly.


I love cooking, listening to music, chess, bouldering, and beer. If you’re in the Minneapolis area, let’s chat!