-- This is the preferred version of the integers in the library. Other
-- versions can be found in the MoreInts directory.
{-# OPTIONS --safe #-}
module Cubical.Data.Int.Base where

open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Bool
open import Cubical.Data.Nat hiding (_+_ ; _·_) renaming (isEven to isEvenℕ ; isOdd to isOddℕ)

infix  8 -_
infixl 7 _·_
infixl 6 _+_ _-_

data  : Type₀ where
  pos    : (n : )  
  negsuc : (n : )  

neg : (n : )  
neg zero    = pos zero
neg (suc n) = negsuc n

sucℤ :   
sucℤ (pos n)          = pos (suc n)
sucℤ (negsuc zero)    = pos zero
sucℤ (negsuc (suc n)) = negsuc n

predℤ :   
predℤ (pos zero)    = negsuc zero
predℤ (pos (suc n)) = pos n
predℤ (negsuc n)    = negsuc (suc n)

isEven :   Bool
isEven (pos n) = isEvenℕ n
isEven (negsuc n) = isOddℕ n

isOdd :   Bool
isOdd (pos n) = isOddℕ n
isOdd (negsuc n) = isEvenℕ n

abs :   
abs (pos n) = n
abs (negsuc n) = suc n

_ℕ-_ :     
a ℕ- 0 = pos a
0 ℕ- suc b = negsuc b
suc a ℕ- suc b = a ℕ- b

_+pos_ :      
z +pos 0 = z
z +pos (suc n) = sucℤ (z +pos n)

_+negsuc_ :     
z +negsuc 0 = predℤ z
z +negsuc (suc n) = predℤ (z +negsuc n)

_+_ :     
m + pos n = m +pos n
m + negsuc n = m +negsuc n

-_ :   
- pos zero = pos zero
- pos (suc n) = negsuc n
- negsuc n = pos (suc n)

_-_ :     
m - n = m + (- n)

_·_ :     
pos zero · m = pos zero
pos (suc n) · m = m + pos n · m
negsuc zero · m = - m
negsuc (suc n) · m = - m + negsuc n · m

-- Natural number and negative integer literals for ℤ

open import Cubical.Data.Nat.Literals public

  fromNatℤ : HasFromNat 
  fromNatℤ = record { Constraint = λ _  Unit ; fromNat = λ n  pos n }

  fromNegℤ : HasFromNeg 
  fromNegℤ = record { Constraint = λ _  Unit ; fromNeg = λ n  neg n }